Coventry pushes for a smoke-free October
Through the month of October Coventry City Council encourage smokers to participate in Stoptober. The initiative aims to help people quit smoking for good and has seen 2.5 million people take part in England alone.
Curtesy of Vapour
Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable illness and death, claiming 64,000 lives each year. Despite this, an estimated 18.4% of adults in Coventry continue to smoke. This has led to Coventry City Council pushing this annual campaign to promote quitting smoking. According to the NHS those who quit smoking for 28 days are five times more likely stop for good. Anyone aged 12 and over and is registered with a GP is eligible for free support.
Allison Duggal, director for public health and wellbeing at Coventry City Council had this to say about the campaign, "The great thing about Stoptober is that hundreds of people quit together. Knowing you are part of a larger community can be motivating, and staying on track gives you a much stronger chance of stopping for good.” She goes on to say, "I quit myself, so I understand how daunting that first step can be, but asking for help can make all the difference."
Curtesy of Coventry City Council
Coventry and Warwickshire councils are both promoting Stoptober following the launch of their new Smoke Free website, funded by the UK Government, designed to support people in Coventry and Warwickshire in quitting smoking. The website offers information on local, free, and confidential stop-smoking services, along with resources and guidance on smoking and vaping.
Smoke-free website:
Jane Harrison, a local coventry resident has been someone actively trying to quit and has said how the initiative has helped her, “Stoptober has been a real turning point for me. As a mum, I want to set a good example for my kids and be healthier for them. Having the extra support and resources from the initiative has been so encouraging—it’s nice to know I’m not doing this alone. It’s made quitting feel achievable, and I’m determined to make this change for myself and my family.”
Curtesy of NHS website
The website (linked above) is part of a nationwide initiative backed by the UK Government aimed at creating the first smoke-free generation. As part of this effort, both councils received funding earlier this year to enhance local authority-led stop smoking services and provide additional support to help reduce smoking rates across Coventry and Warwickshire.
As October draws to a close, Stoptober has been a positive initiative which Coventry City Council has shown that it’s important to promote each year. With hundreds joining together to quit smoking, the campaign has offered invaluable support, from local resources to digital tools, helping many make lasting changes.