The Importance of Advocacy When You Live With a Disability
Advocacy can be a vital tool for disabled people to be listened to. Our reporter Henry T Fox speaks with advocates and people living with disabilities to find out their feelings on advocacy while living with a disability.
How A Warwickshire Reenactors Fair Brings History to Life
Lute music and the smell of hot chocolate wafted through the Warwickshire Event Centre as guests entered the mammoth hall. A large sign loomed over the entrance, announcing ‘WE SELL MEAD!’, families dressed in matching costumes flitted between stalls filled with bows, potions, and knights helmets. This is the Artisan and Reenactors Market, a venue for those with a passion for history and re-enactment to buy their wares from travelling merchants.
The Ghostly Play Performed in a Coventry Graveyard
Family, loyalty, and betrayal all intertwine in the Gothic Victorian show MORTAL.
The Importance of Indigenous Land Defenders in a Rapidly Changing World
Indigenous people make up 6% of the world population, yet protect 80% of the world’s biodiversity. These communities are often vulnerable to poverty and violence from both state and non-state actors, with regular threats against their lands and culture. Indigenous people understand their lands more than anyone else, so why are their stories not being platformed more during the climate crisis?
How Can We Give Cold Youth a Warm Welcome?
Warm Welcome Spaces are opening up all around Coventry. Young people are flocking to them for a place to have a respite from the cold, but what else are youth doing at these spaces? Henry T Fox has more.
A Play For Coventry’s Hungry: How Does Theatre Help The Community?
How does theatre help the community? From confidence building to entertaining the poorest in Coventry, theatre has something for everyone. Our reporter, Henry T Fox, finds out more.
Cost of Living Special: What Help is Available For Coventry University Students?
Coventry students have been forced to use foodbanks and warm banks. Many are unaware that there is even material support available for them during this crisis. Indica, the Triage Coordinator for Your Students’ Union Advice Service at Coventry University, said: “You can get up to £1000 to cover living costs if you are experiencing financial difficulty as a result of an unexpected circumstance”.
The Coventry Project Tackling the Stigma of Addiction
Charlie’s Coffee Shop is a café with a mission, providing work and structure to people in recovery from addiction. The Dynamo Project’s flagship coffee shop opened to the public on Hertford Street just this month, with the proceeds going back into supporting people involved with the project in their recovery.
3 Gems Coventry Foodies Won’t Want to Miss!
Why isn’t Coventry known for its food? It doesn’t have the glam appeal of London haute cuisine, but Coventry’s full of hidden gems. Its diversity is a treasure, food from across the globe comes at mouth-wateringly low prices. Do you want Korean barbecue or Jerk chicken? Coventry’s got it. Student foodies on a budget will rejoice at the number of budget options available within a walking distance of the city centre. Today we’re going to explore three of these.